Annual Blooming of the Dogwood Pow-Wow

Annual Blooming of the Dogwood Pow-Wow Information

Held annually the third weekend of April, the Haliwa-Saponi Indian Tribe Powwow celebrates the Tribe’s recognition by the North Carolina General Assembly in 1965.

The event coincides with the annual blooming time of the Dogwood Trees in the South East. The Dogwood was an important plant for Native Peoples as the bark and leaves were used for various medicines and the wood was used for tools and arrows.

This is the oldest and largest American Indian Powwow in North Carolina and features American Indian Arts, Crafts, Dance, Food, History, Music, Song and more!

Come to Hollister, NC the third weekend of April and enjoy the hospitality and culture of Native America and the Haliwa-Saponi Indian Tribe!

Annual Blooming of the Dogwood Pow-Wow

Travel information
  • Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time

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