Kantishna Roadhouse

Kantishna Roadhouse Information

Kantishna Roadhouse is an all-inclusive fly-in backcountry lodge in the heart of Denali National Park, owned and operated by Doyon, Limited, whose shareholders are primarily Athabascan descent and have ties to the land that date back thousands of years. Accessible only by air, Kantishna Roadhouse offers guests an opportunity to experience the wilds of Kantishna with our experienced staff and just a handful of other guests. We limit the number of guests on the property in order to provide a unique, intimate experience. 

Our guests choose from 3, 4 and 7 night stays, and enjoy cozy and comfortable cabin accommodations with private bathrooms, delicious meals and snacks, complimentary Alaskan beer and wine, and a host of activities to choose from, including guided and self-guided hikes, fishing, gold panning and Native Alaskan cultural presentations.

We have partnered with Denali Air to provide flight service to our lodge. During a 55-minute flight, guests will take in the Alaska Range of mountains, Mt. Denali, the rivers, the lakes, the tundra and the vast expanse of wilderness that is Denali National Park. 

Kantishna offers a unique opportunity to unplug from the noise of daily modern life. With no television, cell service or internet access, our guests can truly disconnect and enjoy all of the sights and sounds of the Interior Alaskan wilderness.

Kantishna Roadhouse

Travel information
  • Time Zone: Alaska Standard Time

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