Next Evolution Coffee Shop

Next Evolution Coffee Shop Information

Next Evolution Coffee Shop is a plant-based coffee shop in Schurz, Nevada, which does not carry dairy milk unlike any other coffee shops. While other coffee shops charge extra for plant-based milk, they only use plant-based milks (other than half and half where they made a conscious exception.) Many Native American people cannot digest dairy the same as any other races which is a huge factor for why we choose to serve plant-based milks. We also like to educate our people that there are alternatives to experience that may help with their health and the way their body can respond.

Next Evolution Coffee Shop was created with a “Think Outside the Box” mentality. We pride ourselves as cultural creatives here to revitalize our way of life while supporting the world we live in today.

The coffee shop was inspired by the healing journey of the owner Andrea Martinez an enrolled member of the Walker River Paiute Tribe in Schurz Nevada.

“It’s important to me that our people find health and healing within our community through reconnecting to our way of life and choosing healthy organic foods and drinks.”

Although we are a coffee shop it is more of a disguise so people feel comfortable coming in and checking out our atmosphere and menu. We did a lot of research and studying about how foods not only can help with health and healing, but what we eat can impact our world, resources and environment.

“I took a minimalistic approach when creating Next Evolution,” says Andrea. “We utilized the many resources we had, our food compost is recycled to our chickens on our ranch, we encourage people to use their own coffee cups and we also like to use as much food as possible grown out of our own garden to ensure the quality.

“When we have an overabundance of harvest, we put the fresh fruits and veggies on our tables outside of the shop where community members can pick up foods at no cost. It’s a lot of work but I remember when I was in need, it was the smile on a stranger’s face, a nice comment from a friend or even words of inspiration I would come across that would change my thoughts and kept me pushing for a better life. That is what I want to bring to my community and travelers that come to our shop.”

All coffee sleeves have handwritten words of inspiration and affirmations to brighten everyone’s day. Positive feedback from our community about how our shop has impacted their lives in a positive way, reminds us why we do what we do, and it keeps us going to become better and evolve the business.

The name Next Evolution was inspired by observing the world we live in today. After countless hours of research of why we have so many health issues and world issues it became clear that we are not living in balance with the earth. The only way that we can continue to heal and live a healthy abundant life is if we can bring awareness to changing the way we live.

Our logo was inspired by “the past doesn’t equal the future” No matter who you were in the past you can always change your future and we are here to support that. The arrow on the top represents who you were (the past) although it has helped you become who you are now it’s time to progress and become sharper and more defined like the arrow on the bottom. We believe a happy healthy life begins with a healthy mindset. Making small choices and changes every day to create the best version of yourself.

We get great feedback we get from our community about our foods, they mention that they wouldn’t usually eat certain veggies before but with the way we prep our foods together “it tastes good” and they come back for more. Many people report that the health food options assists with their lifestyle change. Several have lost weight or gotten off certain medications and some have even had their A1C levels drop to a healthy level.

We provide healthy immune-supporting foods and drinks that assist in the health and well-being of our community. We provide care packages, fresh-pressed juices and even give out tsoodoope (Indian Tea) and cedar to any member that needs it (the tea and cedar are at no cost to the community).

“The ones that are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones that do” -Steve Jobs

Next Evolution Coffee Shop

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