Opiq Adventures, LLC

Opiq Adventures, LLC Information

Check out the best the Seward Peninsula has to offer with Opiq Adventures, LLC. "Opiq" in Inupiat means a fierce bird of prey, the Snowy Owl. Opiq Adventures focuses on but is not limited to:non-consumptive recreation with wildlife viewing, birdwatching, photography, hiking, and observing local culture. As adventure specialists we will provide excellent quality services with substantial traditional knowledge for travelers/locals in Northwest Alaska.

Our mission is to provide tours to help people from around the globe to have a deep experience in nature interacting with our culture, support local businesses, respect traditional knowledge and remain dedicated to the beauty of our land. Whether your interest is to go out on the town, watch wild Musk Oxen, get out on the river, take a soak in the local natural hot springs, find that specific bird, watch Inupiaq native dancing, purchase hand crafted items from locals or panning for gold - Opiq Adventures will show a great time while you learn about the interconnectedness around us.

We are based out of Nome, Alaska and are looking forward to creating one-of-a-kind, unique experiences with you that are sure to last a lifetime!

Opiq Adventures, LLC

Travel information
  • Time Zone: Alaska Standard Time

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