Village of Aniak

Village of Aniak Information

Aniak is located on the south bank of the Kuskokwim River at the head of Aniak Slough, 59 miles southeast of Russian Mission in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta. It lies 92 air miles northeast of Bethel and 317 miles west of Anchorage. The community lies at approximately 61.578330 degrees North Latitude and -159.522220 degrees West Longitude. (Sec. 12, T017N, R057W, Seward Meridian.) Aniak is located in the Kuskokwim Recording District. The area encompasses 6.5 square miles of land and 2.3 square miles of water. Climate is maritime in the summer and continental in winter. Temperatures range between -55 and 87 degrees Fahrenheit. Average yearly precipitation is 19 inches and average yearly snowfall is 60 inches. The Kuskokwim is ice-free from mid-June through October.)

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