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Nez Perce Express II and Camas Express

Nez Perce Express II and Camas Express Information

The Nez Perce National Historical Park celebrates the rich story of the Nez Perce (Nimiipuu) people. This expanse of majestic country is their traditional homeland, and the park speaks to the Tribe’s history and heritage. A short drive from the Nez Perce National Historical Park, the Nez Perce Express is a family of convenience stores owned and managed by the Nez Perce Tribe.

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The Nez Perce Express, Camas Location, is located in Winchester, Idaho, about 25 miles southeast from the Nez Perce National Historical Park. This is a “one stop shop” designated rest area, and has gas, diesel, and propane. The store features a walk-in beer cooler, full-service deli and delicious BirdShack Fried Chicken. Souvenirs and gifts are also available for purchase.

The Nez Perce Express II is located next to the Clearwater River Casino in Lewiston, about 10 miles east from the park. In addition to fuel (gas, diesel, and propane) drinks, and snacks, it has a full-service deli with Skippers Seafood, and Watertown Coffee for early-morning travelers. The store also has a great selection of souvenirs and gifts, and a gift shop, inside the Clearwater River Casino, has a wide variety of one-of-a-kind native made new jewelry. There is also a large stock of Pendleton Blankets to choose from.Image title

Nez Perce Express II sits alongside the Clearwater River, one of the top steelhead fishing streams in the Northwest. This river is famous for its large steelhead trout that return to the spawning areas after two years of living in the ocean. There is also large runs of chinook salmon and native cutthroat trout in the summer. Nez Perce Express II sells general fishing permits, and a special permit to fish on the Nez Perce Tribe Reservation.

Nez Perce Express II and Camas Express

  • 1823 US-95 BUS
  • Winchester, Idaho 83555
  • Nez Perce Express, Camas Location, (208) 924-6992 and Nez Perce Express II, (208) 746-6225
  • Tribal Enterprise
Travel information
  • Time Zones: Mountain Standard Time, Pacific Standard Time

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