Ojibwe Migration Story Tour

Ojibwe Migration Story Tour Information

Join us in recreating and reliving the story of the Great Anishinabe Migration. The journey will take us through the teachings of the Seven Prophets or the Seven Fires. Each fire teaching was a about an era in the movement of the Anishinabe people and their journey from the North East Coast of North America and ended on Madeline Island or “Mo ning wun a dawn ing” or “the place that was dug”. This journey took over 500 years and ended as the prophets predicted on an island which was turtle shaped and where the Creator provided food that grew in water, Mahnomen or Wild Rice which is still a sacred life giving food for the people of today.

We will be guests of the Red Cliff Ojibwe staying in the beautiful Legendary Waters Resort and Casino. We will journey to Madeline Island, which is the largest of the Apostle Islands and the sacred spiritual homeland of the Anishinabe people. Learn of Chief Buffalo’s and other Tribal Leaders stance when refusing to be moved from this sacred place.

Hike Frog Bay Tribal National Park which is home to primordial boreal forest identified to be of Global Significance as well as significant cultural importance to the Red Cliff Ojibwe. Kayak through the amazing sea caves and learn much more about our people, their culture, customs, language, food and learn the common fundamental essence of our spirit – which is unity with each other, mother earth, the plants and animals and all which was provided by the Great Spirit!

Ojibwe Migration Story Tour

Travel information
  • Time Zone: Central Standard Time

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