Poeh Cultural Center

Poeh Cultural Center Information

Imagine authentic Native American arts and the opportunity to interact directly with a Pueblo tour guide. The Poeh Center emphasizes cultural preservation and revitalization through the arts and cultures of all Pueblo People — with a focus on the Tewa-speaking Pueblos of Nambe, Pojoaque, San Ildefonso, San Juan, Santa Clara, and Tesuque; and the Tiwa-speaking Pueblos of Picuris and Taos. Since its inception, the Center’s mission has been to support the future of Pueblo people by: teaching the arts, collecting great works of art, and promoting public understanding of, and respect for, Pueblo history and culture.

After thirty-five years, the Center, its educational initiative, Poeh Arts, and its Museum have taken that mission to heart and evolved into successful vehicles for artistic expression, both Native American and public education, and successful economic development strategies.Tewa is the traditional language and the culture of six of New Mexico’s eight northern Pueblos. In Tewa, “Poeh” means pathway. The Poeh Center is a living pathway where tradition travels between the past and the present and leads into the future, ensuring further creativity. In this role, the Poeh Center embodies the essence of what it means to be Tewa — to be Pueblo — in a context of cultural continuity.

Poeh Cultural Center

Travel information
  • Time Zone: Mountain Standard Time

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