Crystal Worl Public Art: Basketball Mural Sitka, AK

Crystal Worl Public Art: Basketball Mural Sitka, AK Information

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Crystal Worl Public Art: Basketball Mural Sitka, AK

Crystal has teamed up with Project Backboard, a nonprofit that aims to renovate basketball courts to revitalize their respective communities, and Five Star Basketball, a company that hosts basketball teaching camps for kids, to renovate a court with Formline art!

Together, Project Backboard and Five Star are committed to renovating 20 basketball courts in communities across the country in 10 years.  The court at Sitka's Crescent Harbor Park is one of those.  To stay updated on their efforts, check out Project Backboard and Five Star! 

Crystal Worl Public Art: Basketball Mural Sitka, AK

Travel information
  • Time Zone: Alaska Standard Time

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