Yurok Tribe

Yurok Tribe Information

The Yurok Tribe is the largest federally recognized Indian tribe in California and has a reservation that straddles the majestic Klamath River, extending for one mile on each side of the river, from its entry into the Pacific Ocean to approximately 45 miles upriver to the confluence with the Trinity River. The Klamath River supports some of the best salmon fishing in California.

The reservation is also home to some of the largest redwood trees on the world. The Tribe’s major initiatives include: natural resources management, fisheries protection, watershed restoration, dam removal, condor reintroduction, cultural revitalization, language preservation and land acquisition.

Contact information:

  • 707-482-1777
  • Travel Info:

    • Time Zone: Pacific Standard Time
    • Fun Facts:

      The Yurok Reservation is filled with things to do. You can ride on the Klamath River Jet Boats 22 miles upriver, catch a beautiful steelhead or salmon, drive your car through the drive thru tree, visit the Trees of Mystery or have a great lunch or dinner and gamble at Redwood Hotel Casino.

    • Other Resources:

    Featured Accommodations & Attractions
    Listing City Phone Web
    Redwood Hotel Casino Klamath, California 7074821777 redwoodhotelcasino.com
    Redwood RV Park Klamath, California 707-482-0324 redwoodrvparks.com
    Yurok Discovery Village Klamath, California 541-326-9943 visityurokcountry.com
    Riverside RV Park Klamath, California 707-482-1111 riversidervparkklamath.com
    Klamath River Jet Boats Klamath, California 707-482-7775 jetboattours.com
    Yurok Country Visitor Center Klamath, California 707-482-1555 visityurokcountry.com
    Klamath River Overlook Picnic Area Orick, California 7074820324
    Mad River Brewery Blue Lake, California 707-668-4151 madriverbrewing.com

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